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Image by Edson Junior

Trade Show Magician

Bringing in a trade show magician is more than just a gimmick. But for it to work, and bring you the results you’re looking for, it has to be done right!


As part of a trade show presentation, it is not about shock value or “wow” factor. It’s about storytelling. Once you understand that, everything else will quickly fall into place.

The Power of Magic in Marketing

If you’re using a magic show to simply bring people into the booth--that’s fine and it can work when done well. But it’s far more effective to think of our presentation as a SHOW that uses a variety of really interesting visual demonstrations to reinforce the story.

Conference Engagement

While presenting, I’m telling a story about a product and want to emphasize the message with a magic device. So, instead of simply holding up fingers for Points 1, 2, and 3, I hold up a coin that suddenly becomes a second coin that suddenly spawns a third out of thin air.

All the coins are rare and valuable, and since we’re talking about generating money, it reinforces my point without putting attendees to sleep with an endless PowerPoint presentation.

Additionally, magic creates a moment of cognitive dissonance. A feeling that something impossible has just happened, something with no rational explanation. As such, it forces a degree of concentration that reinforces your talking points, your messaging.

Image by wes lewis

Case in point; we have spoken to attendees hours after the trade show day is over and asked what they remember from the show. Invariably, we hear something like this,

“At the __________ booth, a magician made three coins appear out of thin air.”

“Do you remember what he was talking about?”

“Yes, he talked about a, b and c."

Simply put, the use of magic and a trade show magician in this instance, made the message ‘sticky.’

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Visual Storytelling

If a presenter is talking about a variety of solutions and services that comprise your particular product, he could enumerate those points one after another and bore the audience to tears … or he could use an illusion that involves cutting a piece of rope into an equivalent number of pieces, use EACH of those pieces as a representation of one of your services.

Then, he can magically put all of them together to a single piece of rope representing your ‘end to end solution.’ Clearly, this is a more impactful and memorable way to communicate your story.

​And again, long after the presentation is done, THAT story will also be remembered.

Trade Show Messaging Tool

Let’s take another example, outside of the realm of trade shows.

Imagine you’re at a party and someone says, “Hey, tell us that crazy story about what happened to you last week!” Immediately, there are 25 people listening to you. Now, you’re not a standup comic or a magician, so you just tell that story in as colorful a way as you can.

That’s what people forget to do at trade shows …. TELL A STORY.

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Why Magnet's Professional Magician for your Trade Show

Admittedly, some companies have a negative bias when it comes to magicians. They think of it as a silly gimmick to get attention. This is precisely why OUR approach is the same approach we use in all of our infotainment options, whether it’s magic, juggling, or a straitjacket escape on a unicycle.​

It’s a simple formula: 80% content-based and 20% entertainment.

Transforming Presentations into Experiences; Experiences to Sales

Every element of our presentations is in service to YOUR story; to the message YOU are conveying.​


We don’t do magic for magic’s sake. We do it for YOUR sake.
We do it to
increase your trade show ROI.

Let's work together to take your trade show success to the next level!

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